Sunday, September 6, 2015


Comprehensive Home-full Initiative

 This document describes proactive governmental approaches to the homeless situations.

Applies to persons who have proven previous residency within the local area.
Does not apply to itinerant workers.
The local government will take steps to eliminate barriers to the homeless.
The local government will not make laws that are barriers to the homeless.
There must be zoning that accommodates the homeless.

 Build from here…

Tuesday, September 8 addendum.
Disappearing act.
I suppose it would stand to reason that every city has the right to manage their homeless population as they see fit. They must give due consideration to the cultural, economic and environmental conditions that prevail in their locality.
Many cities, like San-Diego address the needs of their homeless citizens head-on.
Other cities, like Lapeer ignore the needs of their homeless citizens in hopes that the problem will just go away.

The San-Diego approach:


Homelessness is a critical issue impacting multiple sectors of our community. Eradicating homelessness is a high priority for the City of San Diego.
In collaboration with other public and private organizations, the City works to pursue an overall systematic approach to prevent and eliminate homelessness in the City of San Diego. The City focuses on helping homeless individuals and families make the transition to permanent housing and independent living through programs and supportive services.
One of the goals included in the City's FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan is to "Assist individuals and families stabilize in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness by providing client-appropriate housing and supportive service solutions."
The City actively participates in the San Diego Regional Continuum of Care Council (RCCC). The mission of the RCCC is to engage stakeholders in a community-based process that works to:
  • End homelessness for all individuals and families throughout the region
  • Address the underlying causes of homelessness
  • Lessen the negative impact of homelessness on individuals, families and communities
San Diego is also participating in the federal 25 Cities Effort. Led by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), the aim of this Effort is to assist 25 communities in accelerating and aligning their existing efforts toward the creation of coordinated assessment and entry systems, laying the foundation for ending all homelessness, including homelessness among Veterans, in these communities.
With support from technical assistance providers, leaders and teams from each community optimize access to existing housing opportunities, in turn accelerating the number of permanent housing placements each month for Veterans experiencing homelessness and individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. This supports community teams in setting aggressive 100-day "Rapid Results" goals - and in using these goals to stimulate innovation and increase collaboration.

The Lapeer Approach:

Magic is illusion - it doesn't work. The homeless do not disappear. They just become less visible.

Next up: Desperation,

Wednesday, September 9 addendum.
Being homeless is perhaps the most desperate condition that a person can endure. People who are homeless are completely vulnerable to the elements – environmental, social, and criminal. 
We may have used the phrase, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Just imagine what a person who is in despair might do - shop lifting, theft, robbery, suicide. Think of the conditions – no bathroom, no sink, no place to keep personal items, no way to keep or prepare food. The whole and only purpose in daily life becomes, “What to eat and where to sleep.” 
The mental state becomes unstable. “Relief,” one cries! “Medication,” another appeals. Alcohol and drugs are what answers.
Damage control is no where to be found. The homeless victim disconnects. Societal order and law become irrelevant. 
In desperation they strike.

Inevitably a city or society will deal with the homeless - “When,” is the question.

Next up: Not Now.

Thursday addendum.
Not now.

“Not now,” did you say.
Did I hear that correctly - “Tabled indefinitely?”
“A one year moratorium on any discussion,” is what was reported.
Well they have been true to their word – over a year now and not one action.

The big question is, “When will those responsible for making laws, be held accountable for the effects of those laws?”
Or in this case, “When will those responsible for failing to take action, be held accountable for the effects of that failure?”

How many more homeless must suffer the consequences of lawmakers.
Priorities, priorities! 

When will they be a home-full citizen?”
Be the solution.

Next up.

Walking the talk. 

Friday addendum.
Walking the talk. 

This morning the Lord tested my talk. I hope and pray that I can measure up.
A young man called in great need. He had done wrong. He had gotten himself into a dangerous situation, got locked out of his place, and had nothing nor anyplace to go.
An appeal to my peers provided direction. Prayer provided solutions. Action provided results.
The situation is being resolved.

Next up.

Follow through.


Friday, December 12, 2014


Water Shed Refuge
People encountering homeless situations in the Lapeer area are again, this year, being serviced by The Refuge in collaboration with numerous churches and benevolent organizations.
The Refuge program is a necessary and great response targeted at the needs and capabilities of the area. This by no means insures that all of the problems of homelessness are being addressed. Not all situations of homeless can be serviced by The Refuge.
This winter we each need to be prepared to cautiously welcome individuals into our homes to offer shelter, friendship and hope.
The homeless are never helpless, though they are often hopeless. Helpless and hopeless are two terms to which we moderns, in our self-serving vernacular, have applied a distorted and reversed meaning. We think of the helpless as those incapable of receiving help, when actually it is we who are incapable of or unwilling to provide help. Anyone and everyone is capable of receiving help, even if they reject it. In a similar but reversed way we think of the hopeless situation from a self centered perspective as if anything we do will be of no avail, when actually we do little, offering no hope. The hopelessness is actually an emotion held by the person experiencing homelessness. People need to have hope more than shelter or food. Without hope there is no purpose. Hope is something we can always offer, though it is sometimes difficult to receive.
How do we solve the homeless situations? First we have to know the people on a personal level. We have to erase all stereotypes and preconceived notions. We have to listen. We have to have compassion, not pity. We have to acknowledge that we don’t know answers. We have to earn the right to speak into a person’s life. We have to enter into fellowship and demonstrate trust.
For the week of December 14 to 21 New Hope Missionary Church will be hosting The Refuge at the Event Centre. Meals, sleeping quarters and fellowship are provided by numerous volunteers from area churches. During fellowship time each evening the primary focus is to establish an emotional atmosphere of campfire camaraderie, to encourage equal participation among guests and volunteer chaperones. During the course of the week it is desired to build a community and a bond, to impart a sense of worth and value to guests while accepting pains and sufferings, thus greater understanding. This is a method by which homelessness may be addressed.


Fresh Water Shed.
1 Chronicles 29: 10-13 NIV
David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, "Praise be to you, LORD, the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name."
Thanks giving!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


A watershed can affect the climate of the world.
The county of Lapeer is the watershed of the north and south branch of the Flint River whose water empties into the Northern Atlantic Ocean. It has a direct effect on the weather patterns of Europe, then Asia, and the Pacific, which causes El Niño or El Niña, which in turn effects the rainfall in Lapeer County.
Water Shed Revival can directly affect the spiritual climate of the world.
Refresh your thirst and renew your spirit through Water Shed, where the Word runs pure.